台灣陸續發生許多情殺事件,這些悲劇顯示台灣學生需要被引導如何發展健康的兩性關係,因此,有需要傳授兩性關係的課程。兩性關係課程不僅應該教人如何談情說愛而已,而且還需要包括親密關係及個體互動在內。想讓學生理解這些概念,必須創造一個互動關係的情境,因此,本計畫將使用呈現情境的方法,來幫助學生對兩性關係發展思辯能力。數位學習工具是非常有利於呈現情境的方法,尤其是,動畫片和電子書不僅能呈現情境,也可以為情境做出註解。有鑑於此,本計畫將結合動畫片與電子書的優勢,發展一套「動畫電子書」(Animated Electronic Book),引導學生對兩性關係建立正確的概念。另一方面每一個人擁有不同的背景和經驗,即使面對同一個情境,也會用不同的看法,因此個別差異性可能影響學生對兩性關係的處理方式。於是本計畫亦進行實證研究,來探討個別差異性的影響,包括: (a) 個別差異性對兩性關係處理方式的影響,(b) 個別差異性對學生與動畫電子書互動的影響。最後根據實證研究的結果,來發展性別準則及科技準則,前者可描述個別差異性對學生在處理兩性關係的影響,後者可幫助設計者了解如何利用動畫和電子書的特色,發展出能包容個別差異性之「動畫電子書」,以兼顧不同每個使用者的喜好。 ;Many love killings have been happened in Taiwan for recent years. Such sad news reveal that students in Taiwan need to be guided to know how to develop healthy gender relationships. Thus, there is a need to deliver such courses for them. The course of gender relationships not only involves how to make love with each other, but also is concerned with close human interactions. To help students build complete understandings, it is necessary to create scenarios which can show close human interactions between lovers. To address this issue, this project will deliver the course of gender relationships with digital learning tools. More specifically, the project will take the advantages of the features of animated films and e-books to develop an animated e-book. On the other hand, individual differences existed among each person, in terms of background, knowledge and skills. Thus, each person might have different reactions to the course of gender relationships. To this end, an empirical study will be undertaken to investigate the influences of individual differences on learners’ reactions to the course of gender relationships delivered with animated e-book. Finally, two kinds of guidelines will be generated based on the results of the empirical study. One is ‘gender guidelines’, which depict how individual differences affect learners’ reaction to gender relationships. The other is ‘technology guidelines’ which illustrate how individual differences affect learners’ reaction to the use of the animated e-book.