摘要: | 中文摘要
本研究「客語生活學校推動成效之研究-以桃園市楊梅區上湖國小為例」。 探討桃園市楊梅區上湖國小推動客語生活學校如何規畫、運作及實施之成效。 本次研究採用觀察和文獻分析及訪談…等,各種方法進行。為了能了解到真 實的層面,研究者到上湖國小現場觀察並蒐集資料做分析。並以自編訪談大綱邀 請訪談上湖國小校長及 2 位主任、2 位組長、3 位老師、10 位學生及學生家長和 上湖社區里長及社區耆老共 25 位。藉此訪談的資料,做為探客語生活學校推動 的狀況。 本研究目的: 一、 了解上湖國小推動客語生活學校的現況。 二、 透過 SWOT 分析了解上湖國小優劣勢及面臨困境 。 三、 營造推動客語社區可能的建議。 研究發現上湖國小全校師生是以生活經驗出發,結合在地社區資源,發展 優質學校本位特色課程。課程不再流於制式,以能力為導向。將學習、技能和情 意融合,導引出每個孩子的天賦,使之快樂學習、多元發展。積極參與客語生活 學校計畫之推展,實踐「教育即生活」的理念,透過「客語生活學校多元特色課 程」等教學活動與「營造客語生活學校的空間美學」等學習環境,落實鄉土教學, 藉客家藝文競賽、客語藝文等活動,使客語內化校園,呈現一番新氣象。
The study titled “Promoting Hakka Life School – An example from the ShangHu Elementary School” aims to investigate the current status of learning Hakka-related courses and understand how the Hakka Life School is planned and implemented in ShangHu Elementary School. This qualitative study applied participant observation, artifacts analyses and interview methods. Twenty-five study participants were enrolled for the interview, including, the principle, directors of academic affairs, teaching leaders, teachers, students, parents, the chief of the village of ShangHu, and community members. A home-grown semi-structure interview survey was developed by the researcher for the purpose of this study. The study aims to: 1. Understand the current status of how the ShangHu Elementary school promoting Hakka language and Hakka culture on campus. 2. Use the SWOT framework to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats related to promoting Hakka life experience in ShangHu Elementary school. 3. Develop strategic plans of promoting Hakka Life experience in ShangHu Elementary school. The study results showed that ShangHu Elementary school emphasized students’ learning engagement through life experience; local community resources were incorporated into student’s learning. The curriculum in ShangHu Elementary school is non-standardized, instead, students’ individual ability and interests are taken into consideration in course development. As a result, multiple individualized and III
specialty courses were created to meet students’ needs. Additionally, ShangHu Elementary school actively participate in Hakka Life School Project promoted by the government of Taoyuan city. They put the concepts of “education is life” into practice as well as enhance the aesthetic value of place and spaces on campus. Students are encouraged to learn the native land stories in Hakka language, and participate in diverse Hakka-related art and culture events. The process of learning Hakka culture and language has become an internalized experience in students in ShangHu Elementary school.
Key words: Hakka life school, Specialty courses, Hakka art and cultural competition. |