摘要: | 世界各先進國家都已於小學階段推動相關資訊程式語言課程,可見程式設計及「運算思維」(Computational thinking, CT)在資訊領域學習之重要性,我國也不落人後,越來越重視「運算思維」,而且目前已有許多研究者都在設計相關課程來探討如何有效促進學生「運算思維」的發展,因此研究者嘗試於國小高年級資訊課程中規劃運算思維課程。 本研究目的在探討將反思活動融入「運算思維課程」對學生學習「運算思維」的影響,研究者除了透過運算思維課程瞭解是否提升學生「運算思維之概念」及「能力」之外,也將分析融入反思的「運算思維課程」對學生學習「運算思維」的影響。 本課程以「做中學」的理念出發,並以運算思維概念為課程設計目標,搭配不插電活動、團隊筆記、Scratch專案設計等循序漸進進行,培養學生運算思維能力,研究對象分為兩班,共36位國小六年級學生,融入反思活動的為實驗組(17人)及無反思的對照組(19人),課程每週2堂課,共進行6週,計12節課。研究資料包含質性及量化資料,分為教學前及教學後實施的「Scratch程式能力及運算思維概念之測驗(自編測驗)」、課堂中團隊筆記、程式設計專案成果,以及課堂後反思單等。研究資料經處理與分析後,得研究結果如下: 一、透過本運算思維課程教學,學生運算思維概念顯著提升。 二、本研究所設計之運算思維課程能使學生運算思維能力顯著成長。 三、相較於無融入反思之運算思維課程,融入反思更有效幫助提升學生運算思維的概念廣度,對學生運算思維概念與能力的培養有正向影響。 最後,研究者亦依據研究結果對未來之相關研究提出建議。 ;In recent years, programing education for elementary school learners has been highlighted. The crucial and central role of computational thinking has also been widely recognized. However, still not much research focusing on instructional design for computational thinking (CT) has been conducted. To address this issue, this study has two major purposes. Firstly, this study aims to develop a programming course highlighting computational thinking for six graders. In this study, a CT course was designed based on the concept of “learning by doing”, project-based learning, and group-note taking strategy. Besides, a CT with reflection course in which reflection activities were integrated for students to reflect on their own learning was also designed. After finishing the course design, this study also examined and compared the effectiveness of the two courses on students’ CT learning. The participants of this study were 36 six graders from two classes. One class of 17 students were assigned as experimental group, while the other class of 19 students were assigned as comparison group. In experimental group, the CT with reflection course was implemented, while the CT course was implemented in the comparison group. The duration of the two courses were 12 classes (six weeks, two hours per week). The participants’ CT concept and competencies were assessed before and after the instruction. Also, for both experimental and comparison groups, students’ group notes and the result of programming projects were collected. Besides, after-class reflection sheets were also collected. It was revealed that both students of the experimental and comparison groups had significant improvement on their CT concept as well as on their CT competencies. More importantly, the students attending the CT with reflection course significantly outperformed their counterparts on CT concept as well as on their CT competencies, implying the significance role of reflection activities on elementary school students’ CT learning. Based the findings above, implications for directions for future research and teaching practices are also discussed. |