從 2019 年底開始, COVID-19 於全球快速傳播,許多學校、教育機構正在推行、採用網路教學的方式上課,本研究在此環境中採用網路教學,於一必修之電腦技能課程中採用採用認知師徒制(cognitive apprenticeship, CA)與共同規律學習(co-regulated learning, CRL)的教學方法,以改善學生的電腦相關問題解決能力、學習動機及網路學習經驗;本研究的參與對象為台灣北部某私立大學非資訊相關科系一年級的學生,共有四個班級。本研究授課模式包括面對面授課以及網路授課,並於學期中的第 11 週及第 17 週讓學生參加相關電腦證照的檢定考試,透過其檢定成績以分析學生之電腦技能,並透過發放問卷的方式,探討採用認知師徒制與共同規律學習對學生的學習動機以及網路學習經驗的影響。經過一學期的教學實驗,研究結果發現採用認知師徒制能顯著提升學生的電腦技能;然而,採用共同規律學習無法改善學生的電腦相關問題解決能力、學習動機及網路學習經驗。本研究希望所設計的網路教學方法及課程設計,可供未來的教師在推行網路教學、翻轉教室時作為參考。;Since late 2019, COVID-19 has spread rapidly around the world. As a result, many schools and educational institutions are implementing and adopting online teaching methods. This study makes use of online teaching in this environment and adopts it for use in a required computer skills course with cognitive apprenticeship (CA) and co-regulated learning (CRL) teaching methods to improve students’ computing skills, learning motivation, and experience of online learning. The subjects of this study are first-year students of a non-information-related department at a private university in northern Taiwan. A total of four classes comprising 111 students participated in the research. The CA and CRL group (C1, n=24) concurrently received CA and CRL treatments; the CA and non-CRL group (C2, n=25) received only the CA teaching method, and the non-CA and CRL group (C3, n=40) only the teaching method of CRL. The non-CA and non-CRL group (C4, n=22) served as the control group. The results show that the use of CA can significantly improve students’ computer skills; however, the expected effects of CRL were not found in this study. It is hoped that the online teaching method and curriculum design can be used as a reference for teachers when implementing future online teaching and flipped classrooms.