自主學習在 108 年新課綱中加入後,成為了一門重要的高中課程,其目的是為了培 養學生的自發性並達到終生學習的理念,而自主學習對於學生而言也是未來生活、工 作的重要基礎能力。根據文獻與實際的教學場域經驗的觀察,發現自主學習、科學探 究與學習歷程是具有很多的困難與問題,因此本研究開發「自我導向科學探究學習歷 程平台」,提供學生專案管理的工具,可以更有規劃性的按照階段完成專題,並且回 顧學習歷程檔案達到自我的反思與調節,加上合適的鷹架與互動工具,提供學生更好 的線上專題學習環境,進而提升學習成效。在上述平台開發完成後,本研究採用「問 卷調查法」對系統進行的初步評估,針對 43 位高中學生進行問卷資料蒐集,藉此評估 學生對於「自我導向科學探究學習歷程平台」之「科技接受度」、「鷹架功能與互動 工具的知覺有用性」並蒐集受測者的建議與回饋。對實驗後的問卷資料進行統計分析 與討論,根據統及分析的結果得以發現受測之學生對於本研究之研究問題皆為正向回 應,最後透過學生給予的建議與回饋,在進一步改善系統,使系統更加符合教學現 場。 ;After 108 curriculum guidelines had published, self-direct learning became an important course in high school. The aimed to train student’s driven themselves and achieved lifelong learning. Besides, self-direct learning is important base skills for student in future life. According to literature review and high school teacher’s experience, we found that self-direct learning, science inquiry and portfolio had many difficulties and problems. Thus, in this research’s we develop a self-direct platform, SDLI. In this platform, we provided project management tools to help students planning their project’s schedule and provided e-portfolios to help students reviewed their learning portfolios in order to make reflection. Also supported suitable scaffolds and tools, provides students a better learning environment. After SDLI was developed, this research would use questionnaire to survey 43 high school students, then evaluated the technology acceptance of SDLI and the observed usefulness of scaffolds and tools on SDLI. The analyses and results show that most of participants gave positive feedback in this survey. Through the suggestions and feedback, we would improve the SDLI and made it more suitable in reality.