學習同伴對於學習上有輔助的效果,透過學習理論與學習同伴的結合,可以讓學生更容易地將要學習的內容融會貫通或是達到專心、鼓勵等正面的心理成效。 本論文設計並實作出一個數學遊戲「愛寶勇闖數學村(Aibo in Mathematic Wonderland)」,藉由此數學遊戲再加上搭配不同種類的學習同伴,目的在於觀察虛擬與實體的動物學習同伴對於學生所造成的影響為何,透過此實驗環境針對實體機器動物學習同伴與虛擬動物學習同伴這兩者對於學生在學習專注力的差異進行觀察。 本研究將觀察這兩種學習同伴在遊戲中對於學生在學習活動中專注力的差異並進行實驗評估,經由初步實驗結果發現,虛擬動物同伴可以增加學生投注於學習的時間,機器動物同伴則是增加學生對於學習的專注力。最後,本論文也建議幾點未來研究的方向,做為日後研究及改進的參考。 Learning companion researches have shown that learning companion supports students in their learning process. With the combination of learning theories and learning companion, it helps students more easily understand the curriculum, concentrate on tasks, and also provide them more motivations to learn. In this paper we designed and implemented a math game. This game is named as “Aibo in Mathematic Wonderland.” Our objective is to use different kinds of learning companion with the math game and to investigate the difference between robot and virtual learning companions’ influences. Our main discussion is based students’ engagement between robot learning companion and virtual learning companion via the experiment. From the results of this experiment, children learning with virtual animal learning companion have better effect of consistency. Children learning with robot animal learning companion have better effect of concentration. At the end, we also had some findings which can be investigated on further researches.